Day 2 of of Alec Baldwin’s ‘Rust’ trial – 2024

Damaged firearm focus on cross examination

Baldwin’s attorney, Alex Spiro, kicks off today with a cross examination of the crime scene tech for the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office called by prosecution yesterday.

Spiro questioned Marissa Poppell on the damage caused by the state’s forensic analysis of the gun. Baldwin’s defense team tried to have the case dismissed because they were unable to examine the gun but were denied by Judge Sommer.

“As to the firearm, I think where you left off yesterday is ultimately that firearm was destroyed in the testing there,” Spiro said.

“Not destroyed, but broken,” Poppell responded.

Poppell later agreed that although the gun could likely be fixed with replacement parts, it could not be restored to the condition it was on the day that Halyna Hutchins and Joel Souza were shot.

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